Meet Our Teachers

Teacher Laura (owner, teacher)


"I have known that I wanted to work with young children since I was a child myself. I have experience in childcare and play-based preschool settings, as well as a Masters Degree in Special Education. I spent time teaching in a public elementary school, but after having kids of my own, my strong belief in the power and magic of play brought me back to early childhood education. I am passionate about this work, and I believe deeply in the importance of allowing young children to learn through play. I love observing kids deep in play, and I believe I have a natural ability to see the world through the child’s perspective. This helps me to bring compassion, patience, and respect to my interactions with children. My favorite part of working in a childcare or preschool setting is helping children to communicate with one another about their disagreements and watching as they start to build skills to work through their conflicts independently. In my opinion, this is the most valuable skill for any human to have, and one of many reasons why play-based early childhood education is so very important."

  Teacher Alanna (provider and teacher at Children's House)


   "I came to early childhood education, after a term of university in music education. I've always been passionate about teaching children and letting them explore the beauty in life, whether through art, music, play, or communication. Being in middle and high-school, I had always taught children younger than me how to improve their music with their feelings, body movement and imagination. 

   In my view, children should be welcomed to explore their ideas, their questions, and any other thoughts or play they have. My goal is to create a space to allow that freedom, if that means repetition, success, and/or failure. As a teacher my job is not to control them, but to be a guide to them on how to handle tough situations, how to accept and love themselves, and to understand others. 

    At the end of the day, I love this work because it teaches our children on how to become a more understanding and caring society, to see a difference between what we know now to what they will learn themselves."

Teacher Grant (teacher at Children's House)


Grant has experience working in a Playschool setting, with children from infancy to five years old. He is full of energy and enthusiasm for this profession, and he loves to have fun and be silly with the kids. He enjoys art, storytelling, and music, and he incorporates these passions into his pedagogy. He loves hearing all the totally unique and unexpected perspectives of the children he works with.

Teacher Lela (teacher at Children's House)
